Mac OS X Lion Transform Pack Windows 7

Buat agan-agan yang ingin menggunakan Mac OS X Lion tapi cuma punya modal Windows 7, silakan coba Mac OS X Lion Transform Pack Windows 7. Caranya gampang kok, tinggal download, buka filenya, trus klik next next aja... ;D
Download toolnya di sini.
Cara install:

Langsung jadi deh, ni previewnya, keren kan?

Updates : new theme, new shell style, new installer, add finger, add finderbar, add macsearch, add winroll, add xlefty, add XWindowsDock.
Note : Skin Packs installer have easy and safe install option , Please unistall old or other version of skin packs before install new version. Before install disable user account controller and close all runnig program , after finish restart your system.
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